About Us
Plot to Plate is co-directed by Andrew McGovern and Max Johnson (who run Greenheart Growers, CIC), and Nigel Denby and Jeanann Andrews

Andrew McGovern
Andy lives in the East End of Glasgow and became involved in growing projects and youth organisations as a volunteer in this area, working with young people and local community members around gardening and food preparation. Andy wanted to empower people through knowledge and experience around gardening and preparation of nutritious food. To do this he started the Guerrilla Gardening Club in 2015 at Tollcross YMCA., taking inspiration from growing Projects he had been involved with in Sydney, Australia.
In 2016 Andy completed his MSc in Community Learning and Development from Glasgow University, in the same year beginning employment as Project Coordinator of Tollcross YMCA. Andy started Tollcross Community Dinner and developed many new programmes of activity centred around food, gardening, health and wellbeing, and community. He also led a successful funding strategy that saw the capacity of the organisation expand. Andy has experience in working with local community to design programmes of work which meet local need, attracting significant amounts of funding and successfully managing the delivery of these programmes to ensure positive outcomes for local community and funding bodies, ensuring positive relationships with local community and funding bodies.
In 2018 Andy co-founded Greenheart Growers, a social enterprise based in Glasgow’s East End, growing locally produced organic food for commercial sales and working with local community members.
Andy is passionate about providing people the knowledge, confidence and practical experience to make positive health choices in their lives around diet and lifestyle. Having been to parts of the world where organic produce and healthy lifestyle are much more common, Andy is motivated by the desire to remove barriers that people may face in accessing nutritious, healthy food and having the knowledge, confidence and practical experience to make positive changes to their own health and the health of their families.
MEd Community Learning and Development, University of Glasgow (2017)
Manager and Project Coordinator Tollcross YMCA (2017 - Present)
Board Member Shettleston Area Partnership, Glasgow City Chambers, Leader in Glasgow Third Sector Interface Network
Leader Tollcross Community Dinner, Tollcross YMCA
Leader East End Community Dinner Network (EECDN)
Project Leader Tollcross Guerrilla Gardening, leading Gardening/Food Production Workshops, establishing food growing sites in Tollcross and Parkhead area (2016 - Present)
Board Member Friends of Tollcross Park Society (2016 to present)
Committee Member Tollcross Park Allotments (2016 - Present)

Max Johnson
After completing an MSc in Sustainability: Environment and Development in 2014, Max has spent the past five years working in the Community Food sector. As Community Food Programme Co-ordinator at Cranhill Development Trust, he built a programme of community gardening, cooking, and nutrition education with community members and local nurseries, as well as founding their monthly free community meals. After time out learning about commercial growing on bio-intensive, organic farms in Spain, Mexico, and the USA, Max co-founded Greenheart Growers, the first inner-city market garden in Glasgow, in 2018. He is also a Director of Alexandra Park Food Forest and Glasgow Community Food Network. Throughout all of the above, Max has focused on improving mental and physical health, building community, reducing food poverty, and deepening people's connection with the natural world and the food they eat.

Nigel Denby
Nigel Denby is a Registered Dietitian who has helped thousands of children in childcare to eat well and enjoy a healthy relationship with food. He’s developed a range of food and nutrition qualifications for Childcare providers in collaboration with the Royal Environmental Health Institute for Scotland.
Before training in Dietetics at Glasgow Caledonian University, Nigel enjoyed a career in food and hospitality having originally trained a chef.
His love of food started early, learning to cook at home and then at school- his cookery teacher wrote in his school report- “Nigel has great flare- he would do well to work in some way with food”.
The author of ten diet and nutrition books, Nigel has worked in the media across television, magazine and newspapers, he has a knack of making nutrition easy to understand, he’s great at motivating people to make small but effective changes to their diet and lifestyle.
Nigel’s ethos is simple- he says “ the first principle of healthy eating is To Enjoy Your Food”, he goes on “nutrition is the cornerstone of good health- but if the food doesn’t taste good no one-is going to eat it.” Nutrition is about science, but delicious food is about emotions, love and art- as a dietitian my job is to bring good nutrition and delicious food together and make is accessible to as many people as I can. The Plot to Plate Club is the perfect platform to do exactly that.

Jeanann Andrews
Jeanann is a Registered Dietitian who has worked with people and communities, in and around food and nutrition, all of her adult life. On leaving school Jeanann gained catering qualifications and worked in the food and retail sector before taking a career break to raise her son. Remaining passionate about food, she went on to further her studies while also working as a youth worker in youth clubs around Glasgow, eventually gaining a BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
Since then Jeanann has worked for the NHS in both a clinical setting in her capacity as a Dietitian and in various community and administrative roles. She continues to work part-time for Public Health Scotland's Healthyliving Award.
In her spare time, Jeanann loves to cook and has a love of travel and learning about the food of other cultures. Being a single mother herself and understanding it can often be a struggle to feed a hungry family well on a budget, Plot to Plate Club allows her to utilise her skills and experience to pass on knowledge to the community.